Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Exited For 10 Points Gain Only

Date of entry: 3 May 2011
Shorted FCPO - Broke Below Opening Price
I shorted FCPO July 2011 future contract at 3273 before the market closed for 1 contract.
Reason To Short 1. The price broke below opening price
Reason To Short 2. The price stayed below moving averages of high and low both 2 hourly chart and daily chart.

Date of exit: 4 May 2011
Exited For 10 Points Gain Only
I longed to exit my position for a little gain of 10 points after deducting 2 points for commission.
It is a disappointing trade as the price did not continue on the downside.

The Little Profit: RM250 (10points x RM25 x 1contract = RM250)

The balance of my account is RM22,950 after the profit of RM250.
(The details of my account is at My Future Trading Account Records 2011 )

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