Monday, October 10, 2011

Stop Loss Reached At 2787

Date of entry: 10 Oct 2011
Reversed To Long CPO
I turned long FCPO Dec 2011 future contract at 2807 for 1 contract. This is a overdue rebound that I have been waiting for.

Date of exit: Same Day
Stop Loss Reached At 2787
My position was again stopped out at 2787 with a loss of 21 points with 1 point for commission.

The Loss: RM525 (21points x RM25 x 1contract = RM525)

The balance of my account is RM18,050 after the loss of RM525.
(The details of my account is at My Future Trading Account Records 2011 )

1 comment:

  1. abel me wilson,good turned,u right this is a overdue rebound,just y i still hold it at 2812x1 until now.
